Accessibility Statement

Updated: June 16, 2022

Our Goal

We want everyone who visits the Mohegan Sun website and uses our platform to feel welcome and find the experience rewarding.

To help us ensure a positive experience for everyone, we've been using the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. These guidelines explain how to make web content more accessible for people with disabilities, and user-friendly for everyone.

The guidelines have three levels of accessibility (A, AA, and AAA). We��ve chosen Level AA as the target for our website and platform.

How are we doing?

The Mohegan Sun website ( is considered to be WCAG 2.0 Level AA partially compliant.

A series of features still require improvements to bring them up to the standard. Currently, the majority of all functionality is accessible, and we are actively working towards compliance for our entire product suite.

What are we doing?

At Mohegan Sun, we are committed to ensuring a good experience for all users and we have taken several measures to achieve this:

  • We have established a central team responsible for driving accessibility efforts
  • We offer accessibility training to employees to those whose job roles and responsibilities directly and significantly include website maintenance and development
  • We have developed an internal design system of reusable components that have been holistically tested for accessibility
  • We use��s automated accessibility checks for testing everything we build

We would love your feedback

If you enjoyed using the Mohegan Sun website or our products, or if you encountered trouble with any parts of it, please let us know. While we're working hard to fully achieve and maintain our goal of Level AA accessibility, we realize there are always opportunities to improve. You can contact us in any of the following ways to discuss: